Parenting Meets Policy

After 20-years as an education reformer, the work I do is really hitting home as I navigate my two sons through their education careers, hoping and praying that I am giving them a proper launch into the world.

Meanwhile, I travel the state talking to parents and teachers about education policy and am not surprised to learn I'm not alone.

We all want what's best for our kids, and in pursuing that for our families, we are helping to build a stronger Arizona.

During my travels I learn a lot, meet a lot of great people, and get a lot of ideas. These ideas have helped me as a mother, and in my role at the Governor's Office of Education Innovation.

I've been grateful for the opportunities I've had to share what I've learned, and am exited to expand that online.

And so, I launch this attempt to add value to the blogosphere: Parenting Meets Policy.

Why This Blog?

Parents matter, and state policy matters, but often the two only mix for specific hot-button issues. Usually because as parents, that's all we have time for. Tweets and Facebook are great for "impressions" but there is A LOT going on, and some of it involves connecting dots in ways that need a little more space.

I hope to do this justice. My double major BA is in English and Broadcast Journalism; my Masters is in Public Policy. We'll see if I can put MY education to good use!

For More Info


Photo taken at a model home in the new Lehi Crossing community in Mesa, AZ: Where my worlds collided - Federal "No Child Left Behind" legislation meets the weekly struggle to match my sons' socks!